Calculating Time Spent (in minutes) on an activity via Javascript in MS CRM 2015

Hello Readers,

its been so many days, I was waiting to write something very commonly required yet useful feature.

I have been asked so many times by my customers, How can i see the time spent on an activity, if we have entered the ‘Start Time’ & ‘Finish Time’. Yes, we can, its easy and simple. This time calculation can also be used for calculating, how much total we spent on a case resolution if we replace ‘Start Time’ by ‘Created on’ & ‘Finish Time’ by ;Actual Resolution on’ ; so on and so forth there can be multiple usage of this javascript based on your time calculation requirements. In this scenario, i am taking up a custom activity called ‘Repair Activity’; following is a screenshot:



Please note that the time spent field is a Deciaml Field

We need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: write the Javascript code as shown below-

function time()
var stdate=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“new_starttime”).getValue();
var endate=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(“new_finishtime”).getValue();

if(stdate==null && endate==null)
alert(“Please enter the Start Time / Finish Time…”);
return false;
alert(“Please enter the Start Time !”);
return false;
alert(“Please enter the Finish Time !”);
return false;

var st=stdate.getTime();
var ed=endate.getTime();
var sdiff=(ed-st);
var h=(sdiff/60/1000);
var p=parseInt(h);
var tm=p.toString();

Step 2: Add a webresource in CRM

Add a new webresource by typing in a name, Display Name, Language & Type>>Save & Publish>>URL will be genrated



Step 3: Add this webresource to form Libraries

Go to ‘Repair Activity’ Form Editor>> Form Properties>>Form Libraries>>Add


And also manage the ‘Event Handler’ by setting the event when you want this Javascript to be executed, so, i will set it on ‘On Save’ & set control to ‘Form’ & click OK


Once done save the form & publish it

Result : That’s it, here you go,now we can see the time spent as soon as we save the form; this javascript also, gives us an alert if we have not provided any value in Start & Finish time



Happy CRMing !!



2 thoughts on “Calculating Time Spent (in minutes) on an activity via Javascript in MS CRM 2015”

  1. It’s interesting the way you calculate the spent time in activities, my question is, how can I do to calculate the spent time in a case, when I resolve the case the activities are closed. Can you help me with that? Greetings


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